Thursday, April 26, 2012

How I Started Writing OpenGL Programs in XCode Without Any Knowledge of Objective-C and XCode Interface Builder

This blog post records the Web resources I used to learn how to develop programs that use OpenGL and run under Mac OS X and that don't use GLUT.

I am relatively new to XCode, particularly the Interface Builder system, and I also have no knowledge of Objective-C, although I am very familiar with C/C++.  So my first 2 steps were to learn Objective-C and learn the XCode Interface Builder.  The third step was to learn how to include OpenGL support.

First, I needed to become familiar with Objective-C.  To do this, I read Learn Objective-C, which was good, but left me wondering about some details related to memory management.  To fill in those details, I read Memory Management with Objective C / Cocoa / iPhone, which filled in the missing details for me.

Second, I learned how to create a Cocao application project and use the XCode Interface Builder, which I did by following the XCode Quick Start Guide.

Third, I completed the tutorial Drawing to a Window or View.

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